Metric Decathlon - Explorers, Pioneers, and Patriots

 Enjoy a fun filled game of Metric proportions! This event includes Paper Plate Discus, Cotton Ball Shot Put, Sponge Squeeze, Straw Javelin Throw, 1 Liter Relay Dash, Metric Trivia, Marshmallow Weight Lifting, Centimeter vs Meter, Measure It, and Long Jump.

Supply List: 

  • 2 containers that can hold more than one liter of fluid
  • Unmarked container (like a small bowl)
  • Container with mL markings
  • water and a bucket to hold it (or a sink)
  • 1 Tablespoon
  • Forms
    • Recording Sheet (1 per girl)
    • Centimeter vs Meter worksheet (1 per group)
    • Measure It! (1 per group)
    • Task Cards
  • pencil (1 per group)
  • 4-8 items of varying sizes
  • 4 Meter sticks with centimeter markings
  • 4 Paper Plates
  • String
  • 4 Plastic Straws
  • Sponge
  • 4 Cotton Balls
  • 8 note cards
  • food scale
  • stop watch
  • 1 tape measure
  • markers or tape (masking or painters)
  • 2 mini marshmallows per girl
  • 2 large marshmallows per girl
  • 1 toothpick per girl
We have a troop of approximately 30 girls, so separating them in to groups of 4 seems manageable. We could have each group at a different station without overlap. The supply list assumes that you will follow this pattern. Please make adjustments as needed. We'd also encourage you to have mixed age groups so that the older members can assist younger members. While this is an Explorer activity, it can still be fun for Tenderhearts, Pioneers, and Patriots. If your group cannot accommodate groups of 4, you could also separate the girls into buddy groups.

Another variation would be to have the entire unit or troop complete each separate event at the same time. Again, the amount of supplies would need to be adjusted to accommodate this variation.

If you have Pioneers and Patriots in your troop, one of their optionals is to complete this activity for the Tenderhearts. Have your Explorers, Pioneers, and Patriots work together on planning and implementing this activity. This encourages teamwork, collaboration, and fulfills a level award requirement for third year Explorers!

Paper Plate Discus

Set Up: Pick a location that can accommodate throwing plates. Using your tape, mark a line for the girls to use as their starting location. Set out your 4 paper plates, String, and 1 meter stick

  1. Decide who will be first to throw the paper plate discus (remember only one throw per girl)
  2. Young woman standing on a line and holding a paper plate and preparing to throw it like a discus.
    Have girls place feet on starting line and throw their paper discus.
  3. Girls will estimate the distance thrown and record.
  4. Team mates will hold the string from the starting line to the discus and then measure the length of string with the meter stick. Then record the distance next to the estimate. (Leave the plate there until all teammates have taken their turn)
  5. Two young women using a measuring tape to determine the distance of a paper plate from the starting line.Girls can then calculate the difference.
  6. Repeat for each teammate. 
  7. Collect the plates and reset the station for the next team. Give the girl with the furthest throw a high five and move to next station.

Cotton Ball Shot Put

Set Up: Another throwing station, make sure to have adequate room. Using your tape, mark a line for the girls to use as their starting location. Set out your 4 cotton balls and 1 meter stick.

  1. Young woman standing on a line a preparing to throw a cotton ball like a shot put.
    Decide who will be first to throw a cotton ball shot put (remember only one throw per girl)
  2. Have girls place feet on starting line and throw their shot put.
  3. Girls will estimate and record the distance thrown.
  4. Team mates will take turns measuring the distance with the meter stick. Then record the distance next to the estimate. (Leave the shot put there until all teammates have taken their turn)
  5. Girls can then calculate the difference.
  6. Repeat for each teammate. 
  7. Two young women using a measuring tape to determine the distance of a cotton ball from the starting line.
    Collect the shot puts and reset the station for the next team. Give the girl with the furthest throw a high five and move to next station.

Straw Javelin Throw

Set Up: Another throwing station, make sure to have adequate room. Using your tape, mark a line for the girls to use as their starting location. Set out your 4 straws and 1 meter stick.

  1. Young woman standing on a line and preparing to throw a straw like a javelin.
    Decide who will be first to throw a straw javelin put (remember only one throw per girl)
  2. Have girls place feet on starting line and throw their javelin.
  3. Girls will estimate and record the distance thrown.
  4. Team mates will take turns measuring the distance with the meter stick. Then record the distance next to the estimate. (Leave the javelin there until all teammates have taken their turn)
  5. Two young women using a measuring tape to determine the distance of a straw from the starting line.
    Girls can then calculate the difference.
  6. Repeat for each teammate. 
  7. Collect the javelins and reset the station for the next team. Give the girl with the furthest throw a high five and move to next station.

Sponge Squeeze

Set up: Have a bucket or sink with water, sponge, unmarked container, container with mL markings 
  1. Fill the bucket with water. If using a sink, decide if you would like to fill it with water or if you would like the girls to turn it on to wet the sponge.
  2. Put the sponge into the water and let it soak up the water.
  3. The girls will take turns taking the sponge out of the container with their left hand.
  4. During her turn, the girl will squeeze as much water as she can into the unmarked container using only her left hand.
  5. The girl will estimate the amount of water that she squeezed out of the sponge.
  6. Then she will pour the water (careful not to spill!) into the container with the mL markings to determine the actual amount. Record the amount next to the estimate.
  7. Girls can then calculate the difference.
  8. Pour the water back into the original container and repeat for each teammate.
  9. Reset the station for the next group and proceed to the next station.

1 Liter Relay Dash

Set up: Two containers that can hold up to more than one liter, tape to mark a one liter fill line (can also be done with a marker) on one container, water, Tablespoon, stop watch

  1. Fill one container with water and mark the other container to indicate the one liter fill line.
  2. Girls will estimate how many Tablespoons of water they will need to fill the other container to 1 L. 
  3. Girls will take turns adding one Tablespoon of water to the measuring container.
  4. Girls will record their actual number of Tablespoons.
  5. Reset the station for the next group by pouring the water from the measuring container back to the original container. 
  6. Proceed to the next station.
*You can increase difficulty by making the girls travel a distance with the water in the Tablespoon (less accurate) or by having them also try to complete the task while being the fastest group (would need to include the stop watch at the station)

Metric Trivia

Set up: 8 note cards with metric related trivia

  1. Research 8 trivia questions about Metrics
  2. Write one question per note card.
  3. Decide how you will convey the answer to the girls (on the same side of the card for a girl to ask her group and give answer, from a station volunteer, at the end of the event)
  4. Each girl can read the note card to her group. She can also reveal the answer if it is written on the card.
  5. Reset the cards and proceed to the next station.

Centimeter vs Meter

Set up: Worksheets and pencil

  1. Give each group a Measure It Worksheet.
  2. Girls will determine whether it would be better to measure an item using centimeters (eraser, pencil, foot, paper) or meter (backyard, car, football field).
  3. Girls can work as a team to make their determinations.
  4. When finished, decide if worksheets will be collected or if girls will carry it with them.
  5. Proceed to the next station.

Measure It

Set up: Meter Stick, objects of various sizes, Recording sheet  
  1. Arrange a station with various small objects
  2. Have the girls measure and record the size of each object in centimeters.
  3. Reset any material that was moved.
  4. Proceed to the next station.

Long Jump

Set up: A jumping station, make sure to have adequate room. Using your tape, mark a line for the girls to use as their starting location. Requires the measuring tape.

  1. Have each girl take turns standing at the starting line
  2. On her turn, encourage each girl to jump with her feet together.
  3. Make sure that she understands the goal is to jump the furthest while still being able to land on her feet (so not a true long jump)
  4. Have her maintain her landing location as her teammates use the tape measure to see how far
    she has traveled from the starting line. Record distance.
  5. Repeat for each girl.
  6. Proceed to next station.

Marshmallow Weight Lifting

Set up: 2 mini marshmallows per girl, 2 large marshmallows per girl, 2 toothpick per girl, food scale.

  1. Girls will construct weights by placing a marshmallow on each side of her toothpicks, both small marshmallows on one toothpick and both large marshmallows on the other.
  2. Girls will weigh their marshmallow weights on the food scale (one at a time) and record the weight.
  3. Teammates will compare their measurements to see if the weights are consistent or vary by girl.
  4. Clean up station by EATING their marshmallows and throwing their toothpicks in a trash container. Please make sure to observe all safety and sanitary measures. (No sword fits in this decathlon!)
  5. Advance to the next station if this is not their last.
You can pre-print instruction for each station so that you do not need to continually repeat instructions. Make sure to establish group expectations at the beginning of the event. Some suggestions might be: 
  • A quick lesson in how to properly use the measuring devices (and that they will be used for their intended function and nothing else)
  • Rounding procedures for inexact measurements
  • Establishing a group leader: We usually assign leadership by the highest rank. However, as this is an Explorer requirement, it might be a nice opportunity to allow the Explorers to be the leaders in this activity.
It is intentional that every station is not measured with the same device. This gives the girls practice with different methods of measuring the same unit.
If your space is limited, you could combine some or all of the stations that require throwing and jumping. Girls would stay at the station to complete the total number of tasks assigned before moving to the next station.
If you will have this outside, take in to account wind and weather. (We had to chase after our materials for the photos!)

Make sure to comment below if you hold this event! Even better if you include a picture!


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